Welcome to Grace Baptist Church
GRACE is central to our existence as a church; it runs through our every ministry and expression of worship.
BAPTIST because we preach repentance toward, and faith in, the Triune God alone, along with baptism by immersion for credibly-professing believers as an outward sign of the new life in Christ.
CHURCH because we are a local congregation of God’s kingdom-minded people. God’s church is chosen by Him, the sheep of His pasture, the body of Christ, with Him as it’s head.
We are a multiethnic, multi-generational people in covenant with one another, endeavoring to lead lives defined, charted, and purposed by God, through Christ, by the Holy Spirit’s transforming power. Our one infallible rule of faith and practice is God’s Word (the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments), upon which we strive to base all that we teach and do.
Searching for answers to life's difficult questions? Seeking to better understand the Bible? Looking for a church home to make new friends? Whatever your reason we welcome you with open arms. Come to Grace Baptist and discover how God is working in the midst of this local church.
...and they were bewildered,
because each one was hearing them
speak in his own language
Acts 2:6b
We offer real-time sermon translation into over 60 languages.
Just bring your fully-charged smartphone.
The translation is sent to your phone as text so you can read along.
If you prefer to listen please bring headphones or earbuds.